Wolf in White Van

Version: Original Book

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Isolated by a disfiguring injury since the age of seventeen, Sean Phillips creates imaginary worlds for strangers to engage with. Operating from his modest apartment in southern California, he orchestrates fantastical adventures where possibilities, both dark and bright, unfold in the boundaries between the real and the imagined. As the architect of “Trace Italian”-a text-based, role-playing game conducted via mail-Sean guides players worldwide through his intricately conceived terrain. They navigate and explore it, turn by turn, seeking refuge in a ravaged, savage future America.

Lance and Carrie, high school students from Florida, are avid explorers of the Trace. However, when they translate their play into the real world, disaster strikes, prompting Sean to be held accountable. In the process, he is drawn back through time, retracing his steps toward the moment of his own self-inflicted departure from the world most people inhabit.

ISBN: 9781250081223
Publisher: Picador
Publication Date: 2015
Format: Paperback |
210 pages
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