The Patterson Principles of Selling

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More than thirty proven sales strategies from John Patterson, the father of American salesmanship
People don’t like to be sold, but they love to buy,” Jeffrey Gitomer likes to say. And he’s been saying it for years. When Gitomer began his research for this book, he discovered a quote by John Patterson, founder of National Cash Register, that was amazingly similar-“If the prospect understood the proposition, he would not have to be sold; he would come to buy.” After discovering the similarities in their philosophies, Gitomer developed 32.5 principles of selling based on Patterson’s ideas. These principles capture the essence of what Patterson preached 100 years ago, with twenty-first-century adaptations and concepts for implementing his sales strategies. Patterson was the first to write a sales book on dealing with objections, the first to create and use a sales training tool, and the first to refer to prospects as “probable purchasers.” And it was Patterson who created the demand for a receipt, now one of the most powerful pieces of paper in the world.
Each principle includes a quote from Patterson, one quote from Gitomer, and an occasional quote from another relevant person. Icons after each principle help readers understand how to think about the concept and adapt it to their needs, and how to turn that concept into action. The Patterson Principles of Selling are easily understood and just as applicable today as they were when Patterson developed them to sell cash registers. They offer a proven, commonsense approach to the sales process that will give salespeople the key to success today, tomorrow, and forever.
Jeffrey Gitomer (Charlotte, NC) is a leading authority on sales and customer service whose clients include BMW, Caterpillar, Coca-Cola, and Hilton Hotels, among others. He is also the author of the popular syndicated weekly column, “Sales Moves”, read by more than 3.5 million people across the United States and Europe.

ISBN: 9780471662624
Publisher: Wiley
Publication Date: 2004
Format: Hardcover |
140 pages
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