The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of Gaza and the Occupied Territories

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In this comprehensive survey of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappe exposes the history of one of the world’s most prolonged and tragic conflicts.

Locating the occupation within a wider historical context that stretches back to 1948, Pappe dismisses the conventional view that the 1967 war emerged out of the blue, ‘forcing’ Israel to occupy the contentious territories. Using recently declassified archival material, Pappe analyzes the establishment of legal and security infrastructures that were put in place to control the population, revealing harsh oppression that was never advertised in international headlines, and which passed without any substantial Palestinian resistance for the first twenty years of its existence. Then turning to the years that have passed since the resistance began in 1987, Pappe offers hopeful visions of a future of reconciliation and peace.

ISBN: 9781786073419
Publisher: OneWorld
Publication Date: 2019
Format: Paperback |
320 pages
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